Please note that the following fitness classes will be cancelled during the week of February 17: Pilates Fusion with Jennifer, Functional Yoga with Amrita, Midday Moving Meditation with Jennifer, and Shake Your Soul with Ronni. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Autism Awareness Month: Four Ways to Show Support


This April may be bringing more snow than showers thus far, but it’s also a special month because it is Autism Awareness Month!

At the 14th Street Y, we welcome community members of all abilities. Here are a four exciting ways that YOU can celebrate this month and show your support of the many  amazing programs available for people on the spectrum.


Wear Blue!

Blue is the designated color for Autism Awareness Month!! Wear anything or everything blue to show your support!


Educate yourself!

Learn about some of the many of the amazing self-advocacy groups that are working to advance the disabilities rights movement. Self-advocacy groups are mostly made up of Autistic people advocating for themselves and their rights, look into The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) or Artists with Autism, a non-profit group that promotes artists on the spectrum displaying and selling their own work!


Support & Participate!

Buy a ticket to Keep the Change, now playing at Quad Cinema in Greenwich Village! This wonderful new film is about two young Autistic people who meet at a program at the JCC Manhattan and form a relationship. Both of the lead actors are on the spectrum themselves. It’s an amazing film that promotes inclusion and representation in media.


Follow Along

Follow the 14th Street Y on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for helpful tips and inspiring photos and stories from our fabulous KOL Program, which we’re featuring all month in honor of Autism Awareness Month!

Are you the parent of a child with special needs? Learn more about our rolling admission KOL Program and the many exciting Saturday recreational classes available.

We welcome neighbors of all ages, stages, and abilities, and we proudly offer a range of programming for special-needs members.

Enroll your child in a specially designed swim class. Keep them active with the 14th Street Y’s weekend programming for children with special needs and their families, including soccer, swim, music, movement, and art. And just for you, we’ve got classes on parenting your special-needs child, from birth through school-age and up, bringing you together with professionals and fellow parents who understand your journey.

Learn More