On Saturday, February 22, Shake Your Soul with Ronnie from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM is cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Sophomore Season of #NastyWomen Ends with a Bang


Wonder Women. Bat Girl. Moana. Mommy. These were the most common responses when I asked preschool girls who their favorite super heroes are. I loved their responses, especially Mommy, because my younger self would’ve probably said the same thing, and I sometimes feel like a super hero as I try and raise two feminist sons. As we prepare for the season 2 finale of #NastyWomen – A Night of Female Resistance Comedy on Monday, May 20th, we celebrate women, young and old, charting new paths and empowering all of us—women, men, theys—to speak up, laugh, and enjoy that comedy really is a resistance tool.

Meet our #NastyWomen of Comedy:

“Her opening bit about superhero movies had the audience in stitches: Don’t guys realize, she joked, that when they take women to movies with titles like Captain War: America Man, they’re just giving them two and a half hours to contemplate who else they could be dating?”
—Village Voice on Emmy Blotnick

Emmy Blotnick performed on our very first sold out #NastyWomen show in January 2018.

“If you’re late to the party, join Blackwell’s loyal following on the downtown theater scene and follow what this radical performer fires up next.”
—NY Theater Review on Becca Blackwell.

Becca Blackwell performed at our last #NastyWomen show in April 2019.

We’re thrilled two new comedians are joining us for the last #NastyWomen comedy show of our current theater season.

“Tessa Skara is a Goddess of ‘Confessional Comedy Rock.’”
—Bedford & Bowery on Tessa Skara

Tessa Skara, a queer comedian, musician, and writer originally from Richmond, BC, Canada, will be making her #NastyWomen debut with us on May 20.

We also welcome Brittany Carney, a recent transport from Washington, D.C. who’s NYC experience now include Caroline’s, Comedy at the Knit, Night Train, and Butterboy.

Learn more about these uproarious comedians here.


#NASTYWOMEN – A Night of Female Resistance Comedy

Presented by Educational Alliance and The 14th Street Y
Monday, May 20 | 7:30 PM

Join us for the Season 2 Finale of #NastyWomen, featuring some familiar faces, some new faces, and as usual—woke resistance comedy. Our intrepid host Amanda Duarte will lead a powerhouse group of comics who will keep us all laughing at time when we need it most. The evening will feature Becca Blackwell, Emmy Blotnick, Brittany Carney, and Tessa Skara.

Ars Poetica will also be joining us! Come early for your own haikus!


