On Saturday, March 29, Shake Your Soul with Ronnie from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM is cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Moving On Up To Middle School


Transitions can be hard for anyone, regardless of their age. For kids who have spent years attending the same school, with the same people for most of elementary school, the transition from elementary school to middle school can seem overwhelming. This anxiety is often amplified in New York with the stressful admission process, which means friends or siblings may end up being separated.

The 14Y After School Program has had a special tradition for many years of holding an After School graduation for our fifth graders as they transition out of our program, but as we aren’t going to be able to do that this year, our staff wanted to share some words of wisdom with any fifth graders who may be a bit nervous about this transition!

Advice from Julian

The great thing about moving to a new school with new kids and new teachers is that nobody knows who you were in elementary school.  What does this mean? It means you can be anyone or what you want!!! No one know who you were in elementary school. Advice? Be what you want to want to be!! Classes are there, teachers are there, principles are there.  Just different day schedules and a different building. Best of luck!!

Advice from Lori

I know how much of a transition it is to go from fifth grade to middle school. However, I believe that once you are settled in and become comfortable with your new environment, you will do great! I hope that your time in middle school brings you joy and unforgettable memories! Knowing all of you, I know you will do well. I wish you all the best of luck and remember to stay true to yourself!

Advice from Will

First I would like to congratulate you guys on taking another step into furthering your education! Your middle school years are a very important time academically. My advice would be to set some goals, try your hardest, and don’t give up until you achieve them.

Advice from Aryana

I would like to say to the rising middle schoolers that I am very proud of you and that I want to encourage you to participate in the things that interest you.  I remember middle school being a really fun time, and I hope you are just as excited for middle school as I am excited for you.

Advice from Vanessa

Hi 5th grade! Congratulations on your acceptance to middle school. I am very excited for the new journey you are about to embark on and have a couple of tips for you.

  1. Don’t be afraid to make new friends, these friendships could last a lifetime!
  2. If there are any sports available, join them!
  3. BE RESPECTFUL to your teachers and peers.
  4. Be yourself, always!

The 14th Street Y will miss you dearly, don’t forget to stop by and visit.
– With love, Vanessa.

14Y families with rising middle schoolers can share their experiences and connect with each other in our 14Y After School Facebook Group!