On Saturday, March 29, Shake Your Soul with Ronnie from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM is cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

First Annual Celebrate Arts Festival


We are thrilled to announce the launch of the inaugural Celebrate Arts festival, hosted across five Educational Alliance older adult sites throughout the month of May to celebrate Older Americans Month.

We could not think of a better time to honor the rich cultural history of our settlement house–committed to improving the public good and dedicated to improving New Yorkers’ lives through a multi-service approach–and the creative work of older adults in our community.

Themed Age My Way, Celebrate Arts honors and celebrates all of the older New Yorkers who bring color, creativity, and compassion to our community through their varied artistic endeavors and disciplines.

You’re Invited

We invite you and every community member to participate in this festival. Come to witness the impact of arts programming and its healing power, see the diverse class offerings, and discover older adults’ talents and countless contributions to the advancement and enrichment of our neighborhoods and the world around us.

Join us! There are virtual and in-person art galleries, live performances, and an art fair where you can browse and purchase the work of older adults. All proceeds benefit Educational Alliance older adult arts programs.

Artists and the Lower East Side

Educational Alliance has a rich history of teaching and showcasing artists. The Educational Alliance Art School was formed in the late 1890s. In the early 1900s, Mark Twain appeared onstage at the Mazer Theater, formerly located at 197 East Broadway. Lower Manhattan was known as the home of “the artists” of the 1960s, and today our centers are where these artists have aged in place.

Our older adult artists take pride in learning from professional teaching artists as well as community partners with a broad depth of experience at institutions such as the Whitney Museum of Art, Pratt Institute, and Ping Chong + Company. For a full list of classes and community partnerships, scroll down.

For the full Celebrate Arts schedule and details including Art Gallery hours, health and safety information, and to reserve your tickets to upcoming Art Performances, please visit 14StreetY.org/CelebrateArts. Keep reading to see the festival itinerary.

Celebrate Arts Galleries

Featuring painting, drawing, mosaic and ceramics works by Older Adult Artists
Free and Open to the Public

  • 14Y Gallery | 14Y Lobby located at 344 East 14th Street
  • Jewish Communal Fund Gallery | MCC Lobby located at 197 East Broadway
  • Sirovich Gallery | Siroivch Auditorium at 331 East 12th Street
  • Virtual Gallery | See it here!

Art Performances in the 14Y Theater

The Future is Now by Loco7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company
Wednesday, May 25 | 2:00 PM
Reserve your free tickets here.

Age My Way
Friday, May 27 | 1:00 PM
Saturday, May 28 | 1:00 PM

Featuring acting, singing, dancing, reading, puppetry, and live music by Older Adult Artists
Get tickets here. General Admission $2

Art Fair at the 14Y

Featuring Older Adult Artists from Weinberg Center for Balanced Living, Sirovich Center for Balanced Living, 14Y Adults Studies, Co-Op Village NORC, and Project ORE
Free and Open to the Public

  • Friday, May 27 | 2:00 – 3:00 PM
  • Saturday, May 28 | 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Participating Educational Alliance Older Adult Art Programs and Community Partners
