Please note that on Wednesday, January 15, the pool will be closed from 6:00AM – 10:45AM and will reopen at 11:00 AM for Aqua Aerobics. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Tikkun Program

The evening will consist of four tracks:

Family Track – Children will explore a magical dream world with Fantastical Puppeteer of MAPS, Rachel.

Arts Track – LABA artists and guests from all disciplines will explore and present new works of Jewish culture that delve into themes of life, death and identity.

BINA (Wisdom) Track / Bilingual Track (Hebrew and English) – This bilingual track is a celebration of Israeli culture through deep discussions and interactive learning.

Text/Study Track – LABA teachers and alumni will lead text study sessions and discussions.

*Audio Visual Equipment in the room.


3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

The Night World (Family Track)
Theater*, 2nd Fl

Join us for an interactive performance as your children travel together with Fantastical Puppeteer of MAPS, Rachel, as she ushers them from Mordicai Gerstein’s children’s book, The Night World, into their own magical dreamscape.

They will be helped along the way by celebrated animals including Sylvie the cat, from The Night World, as their imaginations run wild. Each performance is highly personal and roughly 15 minutes long. It will help each child explore the sublime and the nocturnal in an intimate setting of 10 kids at a time.

All Evening (6 PM – 10 PM)

Open Closed Open (Arts Track)
Theater*, 2nd Fl

In this participatory, multi-channel video installation, the audience is invited to explore a landscape of moving images. Inspired by the memory of LABA fellow Ilana Sichel’s older brother Aaron, “Open Closed Open” uses 1990s home videos to create an immersive experience that is at once a meditation on the nature of memory and remembering.

6:00 PM – 6:45 PM

Borders (Arts Track)
Experimental Theatrical Exploration
Community Room A/B*, 2nd Fl

This is an experimental theatrical exploration/ development session of ‘Borders’; an Israeli play that explores the role the virtual communication through apps plays in our lives. Produced by Dirty Laundry Theater.

Two guys, one in Israel, one in Lebanon, connect on Grindr. They‘re immediately attracted to each other and want to meet but realize that something divides them. Is it just the physical border that keeps them apart? Could their virtual relationship live in the real world?


And תהוה spoke to Mosha face to face, as a woman speaks to her girlfriend. – Torahta (Her Torah), Exodus 33:11 (Text/Study Track)
Studio A/B*, 1st Fl

We will read selections from Matan Torah from the woman’s side of the Torah. In the past two years, artist and LABA alumni, Yael Kanarek, has be regenderating the Torah, reversing the genders of all characters. The new narrative centers these ancient stories on a matriarchal lineage. Come experience Elohin giving the Torah to Mosha on mt. Sinai and from her to your feminine self.


Sing The Language of the Hebrew-man בוא שיר עברי- מוזיקה ויהדות חילונית (BINA (Wisdom) Track || Bilingual Hebrew/English Track)
Room 201, 2nd Fl

Raz Levy of Bina will lead a session where we will sing and learn together through Israeli-Jewish music.


Jessica Deutsch Teaching || Gallery and Illustrated Text Study (Track/Study Track)
Room 202, 2nd Fl

LABA Fellow Jessica Deutsch is a visual artist with a focus in illustration. Learn about the process of her first published work, The Illustrated Pirkei Avot and study some ancient Jewish wisdom.


7:00 PM – 7:45 PM

An Evening on the River Styx (Arts Track)

On the river leading to hell, we meet Adam.
Adam’s destiny is doomed, but he will keep negotiating it until his last breath.
Performance times || 7:00PM, 7:40PM, 8:20PM, 9:00 PM || Length: 30 min. ||

Limited availability, sign up at Check In for this program.

AN EVENING ON RIVER STYX is an excerpt from a play in development. The project follows the painting THE GARDEN OF EARTHLY DELIGHTS by Hieronymus Bosch, a 15th-century triptych that depicts humanity a moment before the biblical flood. The piece invites audience members to step into the world of the painting and become the people in the garden.
An Evening on River Styx is a scene from the opening of the third chapter of the play, that takes viewers on a journey into hell.

The performance takes place in the swimming pool of the 14th Street Y.

Written by Stav Palti Negev
Directed by Lyto Triantafyllidou
Scenic Design by Shay Arick
Lighting Design by Kryssy Wright
Music Composition and Sound Design by Alexandra Katerinopoulou
Featuring: Alexandra Gellner, Paul Karle, Sophie Laruelle, Erin Margaret Pettigrew, and Jak Watson


In Exile Even in his Own Room – Yonatan Gutfeld sings poems by Ori Bernstein (Arts Track)
Community Room B*, 2nd Fl

Laba fellow composer Yonatan Gutfeld presenting his work for the yearly theme Life and Death in collaboration with the animator Dan Azoulay.


Sexuality, Identity and Sacred Text (BINA (Wisdom) Track || Bilingual Hebrew/English Track)
Room 201*

Led by the 14th Street Y’s Israeli shaliach Ophir Tal, delve into three different stories, one about the biblical Tamar and Judah, another about the puritan rabbi who despises sex and his frustrated wife, and Kate Bush’s classic hit babooshka. In all three stories, the women put a different identity, to alter the men’s world.

Liel Leibovitz Teaching (Text/Study Track)
Room 202, 2nd Fl

LABA Teacher Liel Leibovitz will lead a text study session inspired by this year’s study theme: Life & Death.

Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony and Storytelling (Text/Study Track)
Kitchen*, 4th Fl

Author Sarina Prabasi will lead participants through an Ethiopian Coffee ceremony-inspired conversation, based on her memoir, The Coffeehouse Resistance: Brewing Hope in Desperate Times.

8:00 PM – 8:45 PM

Ruby Namdar Teaching || Talmudic Gothic: The strange life and bizarre death of Rabbi Elazar son of Rabbi Simeon (Text/tudy Track)
Room 202, 2nd Fl

Few Talmudic characters are as controversial and unorthodox as that of Rabbi Elazar, son of the famous Rabbi Simeon Bar Yochai.

Separated from his mother in an early age, he spent his youth hiding in a cave with his holy father. When he emerged he found the world too imperfect for him to tolerate, and spent his life and a large part of his death grappling with this imperfection. In this class we will study one of the strangest, most imaginative, stories of the Talmud – a tale of fire, passion, pride and piety.

IVRI: Speak Hebrew עברי, דבר היברו (BINA (Wisdom) Track || Bilingual Hebrew/English Track)
Room 202, 2nd Fl

From Eliezer Ben-Yehuda to HaTikvah 6, the exploration of Hebrew Language and Culture in North America. Led by Hilla Drechler.

Hanoch Levin Cabaret (Arts Track)
Community Room B*, 2nd Fl

The Israeli Arts Project presents a showcase of satirical Scenes, songs and Monologues by one of the most “Dramedy experts” Israeli playwrights – Hanoch Levin.

Jewish Identity in Mainstream Israeli Music (Text/Study Track)
Studio A/B*, 1st Fl

Jewish Identity for Israelis is a complex term which lately finds itself in mainstream music, allowing a different type of connection to rituals and texts. Led by Gili Dvash.


Rooftop Celebration

The evening will end with a Rooftop Party brimming with cheesecake… and a little celebration of the last 10 years of LABA and the upcoming sabbatical of its artistic director Ronit Muszkatblit.