
The 14th Street Y is part of Educational Alliance’s network of community centers in Downtown Manhattan.

Educational Alliance (EA), one of New York City’s original settlement houses, was founded in 1889 to offer educational, social, and cultural services to immigrants arriving to the Lower East Side. Today, EA is a proudly Jewish institution that partners with the diverse communities throughout Lower Manhattan. We provide New Yorkers with high-quality, transformational programs that enhance their well-being and socio-economic opportunities, reflecting our belief that everyone in our city should be given the tools to thrive. Join us as we pave the way for more generations of New Yorkers to lead enriched and fulfilling lives.

Learn more about Educational Alliance, including volunteer and job opportunities, by visiting


Educational Alliance Board of Trustees


Darcy Bradbury*

Rich Baum
President & CEO

Michelle M. Barone*

Mark C. Morril*‡


Executive Committee

David Baron
James F. Crystal
Joseph Glatt
Roberta Karp**
David Levi
Jenny Morgenthau
Joseph Persky
Samuel W. Rosenblatt
Fabienne Silverman
Janna Fishman Stern
Adam Tishman


Nathan Bram
Renee Brodie
Clyde R. Brownstone
Daniel Cantor
Joseph Cellura
Cristian Goodhart
Patricia Kenner
Michael Lindsey
Gail M. Liss
Linda F. Lynn
Frederick K. Marek
Nilam Perpich
Carol Schwartz
Ian Shrank
Irving Sitnick
Ryan Toohey
Josh Vlasto
Zheng Wang
Howard L. Zimmerman



Honorary Trustees

Stephen M. Banker
Leslie Gordon Fagen**
Elinor Guggenheimer
Alan S. Jaffe**
Russell E. Makowsky**
Deborah W. Meier
Joel R. Packer**
Lawrence Rivkin**
James J. Ross**
Ernest Rubenstein**
Arthur I. Sonnenblick**
Jeffrey A. Tischler
Frank A. Weil**

*Executive Committee
**Past Presidents
‡Vice Presidents