Campers Entering 4th-6th Grades
Each week, Thundercreek campers choose an elective Unit they’ll attend every day. This intensive program is dedicated to building new skills and passions, and gives campers time to focus on major projects. Each day, they’ll also visit one additional program to bring balance and variety to their experience.

Thundercreek offers our campers entering 4th-6th grades a summer of adventure. Building on the increasing levels of choice that campers are afforded throughout their time at NCDC, campers in Thundercreek have full decision-making abilities about their experience at camp in order to help them realize their passions and who they might want to be when they grow up.
In addition to daily swim periods for instructional and free swim, campers in Thundercreek are offered weekly elective programming in our 14 specialized units and daily alternative choice-time programming.
A typical schedule for campers in Thundercreek:
- Thundercreek Round-Up
- Snack
- Elective (Unit) Time
- Instructional Swim
- Lunch
- Choice Time (Alternates)
- Free Swim
- Snack and Bus Lines