On Monday, March 3, Pilates (11:00 – 11:50 AM) and Midday Exercise (12:00 – 12:50 PM) will be cancelled. Thank you for your understanding.

Community Spotlight

Ashley: Portraits of 14th Street Y

| THU, DEC 07, 2017

I feel really lucky in that I’ve actually worked kind of in every department at the 14th Street Y. I started as an intern, I think maybe 7 years ago,…

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Jonathon: Portraits of 14th Street Y

| WED, DEC 06, 2017

I came to New York for college. I went to NYU here. I was living upstate and went to community college, from there I did a semester at Vassar college,…

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Ashley: Portraits of 14th Street Y

| TUE, DEC 05, 2017

My favorite thing about the 14th Street Y is the sense of community. Each department has it’s own community, and then all the communities work together–from the employees, which is…

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Denise: Portraits of 14th Street Y

| MON, DEC 04, 2017

My community is people in all ages and walks of life. I’m blessed to make people smile. It’s a blessing to see that thing that might be dark in some…

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Louis: Portraits of 14th Street Y

| SUN, DEC 03, 2017

I’m a stay at home dad, so taking care of the girls is my full-time job. My wife calls it “daddy boot camp.” We spend a lot of our time…

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Bubba Jo: Portraits of 14th Street Y

| SAT, DEC 02, 2017

This morning I worked out in the gym, I volunteered at the Preschool, and then I took a Yiddish class. That’s today’s activity. I’m here Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,…

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