Jewish Life

Passover Recipes for The Whole Family

| WED, APR 08, 2020

From Sambor, Ukraine where one line of my ancestors lived for 500 years, to the streets of New York City where they arrived at the turn of the century, to…

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From Exile and Illness To Redemption and Healing

| MON, APR 06, 2020

A teacher once told me that the entire Torah, or Old Testament, can be read as a story cycle of Otherness, Exile, and Redemption.  Of course, the ultimate example of…

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How the High Holidays Can Save the Environment

| THU, OCT 24, 2019

“I remember the first thing I noticed when we came into the harbor-I woke up, and suddenly smelled something. And of course, it was pollution”-Greta Thunberg, Environmental activist and winner…

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The 14th Street Y Way

| THU, AUG 08, 2019

It’s been several months since we returned from our wonderful 10-day study tour in Reggio, Italy. Loris Malaguzzi once stated, “It is urgent for us to underline that children’s intelligence…

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The Journey Continues into the Dusk

| FRI, JUN 07, 2019

Before I start, I want to tell you all just how much I have missed you, dear readers. For those of you who follow my blog each month, you may…

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Ronit Muszkatblit’s Artist Statement on Waiting For Godot

| TUE, DEC 18, 2018

Waiting for Godot is always timely, the existential queries that all the characters ask in this play echo our lives in the most microcosmic aspects and also on a global…

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To Be Free And At Peace

| TUE, NOV 20, 2018

Dear Friends and members of The 14th Street Y, When I decided to become a Shaliach, an Israeli relationship-building emissary, I knew that missing home would be a challenge. I…

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“Demand Peace and Pursue It” (Psalm 34)

| SAT, OCT 27, 2018

A Response to Pittsburgh from Executive Director, Rabbi Shira Koch Epstein: *Update: Please join me and other members of the 14th Street Y staff tomorrow morning, Monday, October 29 from 8:30 – 9:30 AM. We’ll…

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A Yom Kippur Meditation

| TUE, SEP 18, 2018

Kabbalah teaches that the prayers of the downtrodden open a window in the heavens to allow our prayers to ascend because of the depth of prayer of the broken-hearted. On…

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How the High Holidays Can Lift You Up

| WED, SEP 12, 2018

Let’s take the term “High Holidays” and analyze it together. What association comes to mind with the word ”high”? To me it symbolizes “uplifting” or “ascending.” In Hebrew, the High…

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