7:00 AM
Membership at the 14th Street Y includes times for Open Gym and Basketball. Check out our schedule for full court pick-up times, happening everyday.
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
Membership at the 14th Street Y includes times for Open Gym and Basketball. Check out our schedule for full court pick-up times, happening everyday. Member Basketball Full Court Game Rules Made basket = 2 point Made basket from beyond the 3 point line = 3 points 1st game - First team to 21 points wins All other games - […]
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
3:00 PM
71 years young… 71 looks different from every vantage point—but whether you are 3 or 93 it is a cause for celebration! Come celebrate Israel’s 71st Birthday and appreciate it’s diverse flavors and cultures. Featured Event: Israel 2020: Is Israel more Jewish or Democratic? 3:00 PM // Community Room Israel 2020: in the current post-elections reality, […]
3:15 PM
Membership at the 14th Street Y includes times for Open Gym and Basketball. Check out our schedule for full court pick-up times, happening everyday.